I would like to thank the committee for this opportunity to judge such a nice number of dogs and I would like to thank all the exhibitors for their entry. I really enjoyed this day very much and I found some very nice Deerhounds to go over. I think that the overall quality was very good. There where only two points wich I think, needs more attention and that is the arch over the loin, please don’t loose it and dirty teeth, please clean them! The first is so specific for the breed and a Deerhound without an arch over the loin is not very nice to look at. The second is more a health matter, your Deerhound can get heart problems and nasty diseases from dirty teeth, it is really very important to keep them clean.
Class: 1-Puppy Dog
Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith, own. Mr & Mrs Cheshire – Strong, substantial very attractive puppy of eight and a half months young; correct head with good eyes, teeth and well folded rose-ears; topline could be a little more arched over the loin; excellent spring of rib and depth of chest for age; strong forechest; very correct angulations in front and behind; strong bone; correct feet but they are turning out fairly strong at the moment; very strong hindquarters with beautiful length from hip to hock; nice long tail; very good muscularity; very correct movement behind and seen from besides but still loose in front; very promising puppy.
Claonaiglen Finnan, own. Ms & Mr Parsons & McKinnon – Balanced puppy of eight and a half months with correct eye, ear and teeth; length of neck could be a little bit longer; sufficient forechest; nice topline with sufficient arch over the loin; strong bone; a little straight in upperarm and hindquarters; feet could be a little bit stronger; correct coat; strong muscled; ringtail; movement needs to strengthen all around.
Sorisdale Macmanus, own. Mr & Mrs Spring-Arnold – Puppy of eight months young with a head that could be a little more masculine, well folded rose-ears, dark eye and correct teeth; correct topline but could be a bit longer; sufficient forechest; sufficient angulated in front, correct behind; sufficient bone; good feet; a little soft coat; nice long tail; very well muscled; movement needs to strengthen.
Res. Pewtergrey Cord Du Roi, own. Ms Makosch
VHC. Pewtergrey Moleskin, own. Mr. Gatenby
Class: 2-Junior Dog
Gentiehun Tain, own. Mrs. Rose – Young dog of seventeen months of a very good workman-like type; correct head; expression could be a little bit softer; good ears and teeth; correct topline but could do with a little more length; well angulated in front and behind; good forechest, depth of chest and spring of rib; correct coat wich need a bit of grooming; very good bone and good feet; nice tail and well muscled; movement behind fairly narrow and needs to strengthen in front; passlength could be a bit more.
Class: 3-Special Beginners Dog
Best Dog, BIS Clanardwood Sovereign, own. Mr & Mrs Merrick – Three years old dog of excellent type; good head with correct eyes, rose-ears and teeth; excellent topline with very nice arch over the loin; very good spring of rib, depth of chest and sufficient forechest; correct angulations in front and behind; good bone; straight legs with good feet; good coat; well muscled and goes around the ring with an excellent movement.
Claonaiglen Bruar, own. Mr & Mrs Johnson – Two and a half years old dog wich could do with a little longer head; good eye with correct expression and good teeth; under his profuse coat I find a very nice Deerhound; correct forechest, spring of rib and depth of chest; sufficient angulated in front and correct behind; good bone; good feet; nice long tail; he shows a little bit hackney gait due to his angulation difference but otherwise a stable movement.
Kwaricott Asclepius, own. Mr & Mrs Hawkins –Typical Deerhound of twenty months wich could be a bit bigger and stronger all over; lovely expression, correct teeth and nice rose-ears; good depth of chest but could have more forechest and spring of rib; a little straight in front, correct angulated behind; good coat; nice tail; coming and going oké but due to his angulation difference a hackney gait.
Res. Brackenland Ran, own. Mr & Mrs Edwards
Class: 4-Special Yearling Dog
Gentiehun Tain – see Class: 2 Junior Dog
Tomegem Montrachet at Ollandsheart – Big dog of correct type; twentytwo months; very nice head, very strong/masculine with good expression and good rose-ears; correct topline; underline could have more tuck up; correct forechest, depth of chest and spring of rib; strong bone; excellent angulations both ends; seen the movement from aside, it is correct but coming and going it is extremely weak.
Tomegem Fizbam the Fabulous, own. Mrs Buck – Dog of correct type but could do with a little more length; nice head with good eye and teeth, ear could be a little bit smaller; strong angulated in front and behind; good topline; good forechest, spring of rib and depth of chest; could have a little stronger bone for his size; nice coat; correct tail; movement is very unstable and he shows a hackney gait
Res. Kwaricott Asclepius, own. Mr & Mrs Hawkins
Class: 5-Undergraduate Dog
Tomegem Dumbledore – Dog of twentytwo months; nice type; correct head, nice eyes and good teeth but he could fold his ears better; good topline, forechest, depth of chest and spring of rib; good length of body; good angulations; could be much more stable in his front movement, behind a little narrow but seen from aside it is oké; good coat an nice tail.
Regalflight Princequillo of Penherald – Dog of two years old; could have a little more length in head and body; very nice spring of rib; good forechest and depth of chest; very good angulated in front and behind; strong bone; feet are turning out a bit; front movement unstable, behind correct; correct coat and tail.
Greyzicon Blythe Spirit, own. Mrs Piggot – Big masculine dog of two years and eight months with correct head, eyes, teeth and nice rose-ears; I would like to see more length in his back; good angulations in front and behind; good forechest, spring of rib and depth of chest; correct bone and good feet; very good coat; good tail; movement coming and going oké but he could do with a little more passlength
Class: 6-Post Graduate Dog
Best Dog, BIS Clanardwood Sovereign, own. Mr & Mrs Merrick – see Class: 3 Special Beginners Dog
Kwaricott Archimago JW, own. Mr & Mrs Hawkins – Very nice type of dog of nearly twentyone months; very nice outlines but he could be more masculine al around; nice head with correct dark eyes, ears and teeth; very good angulations at both ends; could do with more forechest and spring of rib; correct depth of chest; very good coat; correct bone but he stands a little bit turned out and his front movement could be better; passlength is oké; good feet and nice long tail.
Kilbourne Fire Chief, own. Mr & Mrs Peach – Dog of nearly twentytwo months with a superb movement; I don’t like his light eyes and his ears could be smaller and placed a bit higher; flat topline; correct angulated in front but could have more length from hip to hock; sufficient forechest; good depth of chest and spring of rib; correct bone; very good coat and nice tail
Res. Glewlwyd Dionysus, own. Mr & Mrs Hodgkinson
VHC Stainlonan Rikki of Regalflight, own. Mr Coull
Class: 7-Open Dog
Pyefleet Qwilliam, own. Miss Girling – Strong dog of nearly four years old with a superb movement; excellent type; good head with a somewhat light eye, correct teeth; flowing topline but could do with a little more arch over the loin; sufficient forechest; superb spring of rib and depth of chest; excellent angulations at both ends; strong bone and good feet; excellent coat; correct length of tail.
Greyfriars Gillie of Beardswood, own. Mrs & Dr Helps – Strong, excellent type of dog with a strong, masculine head; two and a half years old; correct eye, ear and teeth; very good spring of rib, depth of chest and forechest; very good topline with nice arch over the loin; sufficient balanced angulations in front and behind; strong bone; a little to straight on his wrists; good feet; excellent coat; a very good mover.
Packway Aconcagua, own. Miss & Mr Lucas & Dargonne – Dog of excellent type with correct eyes, teeth and very nice small rose-ears; nearly two and a half years old; sufficient topline, forechest, spring of rib and depth of chest; correct bone and good feet; coat a little bit soft; very good angulations in front and behind; nice long tail; correct movement all around.
Res. Neroche Hennessy of Deeranwith, own. Mr & Mrs Cheshire
VHC Canerikie Crocodile Cooler, own. Mr & Mrs Hall
Class: 8-Veteran Dog
1. Brackenford Dalesman at Claonaiglen, own. Ms & Mr Parsons & McKinnon – Dog of seven years old; could be a little more masculine and bigger but he is of a very nice type; very correct expression, ears and teeth; correct topline; sufficient forechest and depth of chest; good spring of rib; very good angulations in front and behind; sufficient bone; good feet; correct coat; he is a very good mover.